Friday, September 12, 2008


Hello Students, Teachers, Parents and Community,I am Ms. Oustad. This will be my 5th year teaching art. I have taught at Willow Canyon, Parkview and also a private school in Utah. I am very excited to teach at our new school. I want to be the first to welcome you to our new Desert Moon Elemetary art blogspot. On this blogspot you will have the privilege of viewing student artwork. A couple of art projects selected from each grade level will be posted. Please visit from time to time as new projects will be added thoughout the year. Please feel free to comment if you would like!

Our Mandala Project

Great work Eddie!
By Douglas

Alvaro 6th Grade
Daniel 8th Grade

These are our Mandala projects. The word mandala means circle. This project takes several weeks to complete and is pretty dificult. For this project students must follow directions step by step, use the elements of art and a ruler. Our 5th through 8th graders have been working on this project. Some are starting to get done. They are looking pretty good. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Designing A Dream Park

That looks great! Ricardo and C.J
These are a few of our 4th graders working hard on designing thier dream park. They must come up with a creative way to make the paper pop-up. What would you have at your dream park? How about a skate board ramp, water slide, football field, swings or a pond?